Blue Ridge Mountains - South Carolina

Looking Glass Falls - North Carolina

Trunk Bay - St. John, USVI

Sapphire Beach - St. Thomas, USVI
It seems like I've been caught in a whirlwind these past couple of weeks, living out of a suitcase, meeting myself coming and going. In case you haven’t figured it out by now, I love, love, love to travel and anytime I have the opportunity to venture outside of this little house on the Prairie(ville), I do so. My most recent venture began Memorial Day weekend where I got to spend 5 days in the beautiful Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains for some R&R and quality time with two dear friends. I flew home on Monday and went straight from the airport to visit a sick friend to give my love and final farewell before he went to be with The Lord. I was home for 4 days and for 3 of those days, I managed to book a stay at my favorite Bed and Breakfast AKA Our Lady of the Lake Hospital forcing me to cancel a flight I had scheduled to the Caribbean. (guess my body just felt the need for a bit more R&R at the old B&B). Check out time was 3:00pm on Friday which gave me enough time to go home, reschedule the flight I missed the day before and finish packing for my next big adventure. Mom and I left at 3:00am on Saturday, boarded a plane at 6:00am and flew to St Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands where we arrived just in time to witness my handsome cousin and his beautiful bride exchange wedding vows as the sun set over the Caribbean. I then spent 5 incredible days with my family on the Island of St Thomas surrounded by an amazing view of God’s most beautiful artwork. During my stay in St Thomas, I received the call that my oldest nephew became a father to a beautiful baby girl, my first “great” niece, Oakley Rose.
From sitting on a deck gazing at the mountains of the Carolinas to standing on the beaches of St Thomas, the scenery was truly majestic, reminding me of God's infinite creativity. It was amazing to see so many different shades of the brilliant colors God used to paint the earth. It was as if He dipped a paintbrush on every color on the paint palette and splashed it across His earthly canvas. Every day He would take the time to start over and paint a completely different masterpiece for us all to admire. In the evenings, the sky would turn marvelous shades of red, pink, lavender and gold and then the sun would disappear behind the mountains in the Carolinas and would seem to just sink into the ocean in the Caribbean. The beaches of St Thomas were covered with white sand glistening in the sunshine and lush coconut palm trees swaying in the breeze The water, oh my goodness, the water took my breath away as it sparkled with every shade of blue imaginable just depending on how the sunlight hit it. Each morning I would awake to chirping birds as if tiny little angels were singing “wake up and see that God is all around you.” At one point, I remember thinking WOW, I am right smack in the middle of His divinity and just think, all of this is just a mere glimpse of what heaven will be like. I can’t remember the last time I was able to clearly see such brilliant colors. How awesome it is that God has chosen to restore my vision and allow me to see such radiant beauty that only a year ago would not have been possible.
As I sat on a ferry boat crossing the waters from the island of St Thomas to St John, I looked out onto the seemingly endless blue ocean and it immediately became apparent to me just how BIG God really is. I got a reassuring feeling that I am indeed sustained by a mighty God with infinite power greater than I can ever imagine. Our Father, who spoke the entire universe into existence, is much greater than the deepest waters of the Caribbean and the highest mountain peaks of the Carolinas. There is nothing too big or too small that we can bring to our Father. Our circumstances in relation to God are like grains of sand on the beaches that can be washed away by the mighty ocean.
It was rather intriguing to watch the brown pelicans as they would hover overhead then dive straight down into the water like a torpedo, creating a loud splash and coming up with their beaks filled with an assortment of fish. It reminded me of how God provides for my every need. Why do I worry about the stability of my career, my health and my future when I know His hand of protection is always upon me? He is always there besides me, and has never failed me. If He provides the pelicans with an entire ocean filled with fish, how much more would he provide for us if we only trust Him completely to do so? Those pelicans have no worries as they are completely dependant upon God. That is how we should all live our lives. Worrying about our future is like standing on a beach and seeing enormous waves in the far distance. As we trust and remain near God, the waves break down becoming smaller and smaller as they approach us and if they ever do reach the shore, they merely brush over our feet.
These past weeks have not only been a physical journey but also an emotional journey taking me straight up to the mountain peaks then way down to the sandy beaches as I experienced a bunch of amazing waterfalls, incredible sunrises and majestic sunsets in between. I have been awe struck by the beauty of this earth, experienced the joy and love that only family and friends can give, felt the pain of illness, the mercy of healing, the bliss of a wedding, the sorrow of a life ending and the elation of one just beginning. I have cried until I had no more tears left inside and laughed until my side ached in pain. I am thankful for both the physical and emotional journey because in the midst of it all, I got to experience God’s glory, grace and tenderness. He showed me that in a world filled with trials, pain and suffering, there is simultaneously a world filled with God’s beauty that can soothe our souls, calm our fears, and heal our pain.
Whether we are boat riding on a mountain lake with friends, strolling on an island beach with family or simply sitting in our own backyards alone, God’s glory is evident in everything and everyone around us. No matter where you are or what your circumstances, take the time to reflect on the beauty of God's glory. Always look at the scenery around you as if it was for the very first time and spend each moment with your loved ones as if it was the very last…you just may catch a small glimpse of heaven for yourself.
You never cease to amaze me with your perspective, your writing and especially your WILL! After losing a friend, getting sick and missing a flight, most people would have just stayed home and sulked. The photos do look like a heavenly paradise - so glad you got to go!
Pam S
Hey Lil'D,
AMAZING....YOU my love have an amazing way with words, I know that book is coming. Yes, our God created a spectacular place for us to live, we need to ask Him to help us see His Glory everyday. There is always a suprise if we just look for it. After all, we are daughters of the King!!
Love you, R
Thank you for being there with me and Mom for our best friend Barry in his last hours. The time we picked you up form the BR air port and your request to see him. The time we held hands, shed our tears and that you led the prayer over our friend, Barry, at his hospital bed. All is given to you as a gift from God . You have a great talent in sharing your experiences. Thanks again and may God continue to bless you in your journey!
Love you,
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